Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Even our very own Dallas Morning News reports today that "movies and television are once again driving the sales of naughty Halloween costumes". The article states that a recent national survey reflects Dallas to be one of the top ten most sex-saturated cities. And halloween (or Shalloween, whichever you prefer) is just another excuse for the women [and men] of Dallas to justify their lack of discretion.

With the masses so willing & eager to spend ridiculous money for a one-day facade, it seems to me that Halloween is representative of a few cultural conclusions:
1. the definition of Sex and what is "sexy" has been polluted, minimized, demoralized, and exploited
2. we are an increasingly insecure society in search of anything to give us an identity (if just for a day)
3. Hollywood sets the standards by which people live their lives
4. the Devil has successfully blinded us to the reality of the battle we are in by convincing us that his existence is imaginary, fictional, and even comical

I could go on, but I really don't want to waste any more time on this over-rated "holiday". To all the ladies out there,remember that how you get a guy is how you are going to keep him. After tonight, he'll just move on to the next best costume.

be yourself. be real.

peace in Jesus


brandonavance said...

I'm with ya.

no excuse is a good excuse to compromise Christ.

Anonymous said...

I heart you BB. You so eloquently expressed what hankers our souls and drives us even further to pursue truth and love.

1 sinner 2 another said...

...and this is why I HEART Brooke Bowen.Thank you for for showing me what it looks like to accept hard truths gracefully. Thank you for reminding me how to slow down the speed of life, just to observe, think and reflect. Thank you for being THE MOST beautiful red head I have EVER seen...and that is b/c you love Jesus Christ.

Walk it out!

Unknown said...

AMEN sweet sister. I honestly couldn't have said it better myself. It is sad and disheartening to see how Satan has lead both men and women to believe that one's body can help them find "happiness." Not only is it a sign of a lack of walk with our TRUE savior but it also leads those who are walking, including myself, to have some thoughts of insecurity as well when we are surrounded by such 'fools.'

Unknown said...

I am glad you included men. Because that is what I found more shocking than the women. I can't speak for Dallas this year, but in NYC the amount of exposed man flesh was shocking.

The women do it year round so I guess I am less sensitized to them.

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

i was in new zealand on shalloween, and i saw ONE, yes ONE person dressed up. no one cared, and i loved that. move to NZ anyone??? that's one of MANY good reasons.